전체 글 3592

The Probability that the Stock Market Selloff is Over(주식시장 매도세가 끝났을 가능성)

The Probability that the Stock Market Selloff is Over(주식시장 매도세가 끝났을 가능성)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: This is a Guest Post by Troy Bombardia of BullMarkets.co. Last week we explained why the market’s short term outlook is bearish. The stock market is now making a pullback(..

거래정보 2019.08.05

10 of the Worlds Most Powerful Trading Rules(세계에서 가장 강력한 무역 규칙 중 10개)

10 of the Worlds Most Powerful Trading Rules:(세계에서 가장 강력한 무역 규칙 중 10개) 1. A winning trading system must either be designed to have a large winning percentage of trades or big wins and small losses. (1. 승리거래제 시스탬은 거래의 승률이 크거나 승패가 크거나 적도록 설계되어야 한다.) 2. Your trading system must be bu..

거래정보 2019.08.05