거래정보 99

10 Lessons I Learned From Reading 1,000 Books1,000권의 책을 읽으면서 배운 10가지 교훈

10 Lessons I Learned From Reading 1,000 Books: 1,000권의 책을 읽으면서 배운 10가지 교훈 I took the below picture of my personal home library several years ago before I went digital, I saved(모으다) about 100 physical books and sold a few hundred and donated several hundred. I really like the ease now of having access to my newest books on my iPad with my Kindl..

거래정보 2019.07.02

10 Bad Habits of Unprofitable Traders:(10 수익성이 없는 트레이더들의 나쁜 습관:)

10 Bad Habits of Unprofitable Traders: (10 수익성이 없는 트레이더들의 나쁜 습관:) They trade too much. The edge(끝점) that small traders have over institutions, is that they can pick trades carefully and only trade the best trends and entries. The less they trade, the more money they make, because being picky(까다롭게) gives traders an edge.(끝점:상위..

거래정보 2019.06.28

The ONLY Way To Become A Profitable Trader:(수익성 있는 트레이더가 되는 유일한 방법:)

The ONLY Way To Become A Profitable Trader:(수익성 있는 트레이더가 되는 유일한 방법:) This is a guest post from Tino @tradersreality. This article originally appeared on tradersreality.com and is reposted here with permission. 이것은 티노 @tradersality의 게스트 포스트다. 이 글은 원래 tradersreality.com에 게재되어 있으며, 여기에 허..

거래정보 2019.06.27