전체 글 3592

My Evolution As A Trader: 10 things that I have Learned the Hard Way(:트레이더로서의 나의 진화: 어려운 길을 배운 10가지:)

My Evolution As A Trader: 10 things that I have Learned the Hard Way:(트레이더로서의 나의 진화: 어려운 길을 배운 10가지:) NewTraderU.com· – Paul Tudor Jones“You adapt, evolve, compete or die.” – Paul Tudor Jones"적응, 진화, 경쟁 또는 사망" – Paul Tudor JonesI do not trade the same way I did when I started actively trading the stock mark..

거래정보 2019.07.19

The Disconcerting Effect of Sudden Losses and Gains,(갑작스런 손실과 이득의 당황스러운 효과),

The Disconcerting Effect of Sudden Losses and Gains,(갑작스런 손실과 이득의 당황스러운 효과,) There are but few things more unbalancing to the mind than the act of suddenly winning or losing large sums of money. A few years ago at Monte Carlo I was in company with a friend, a well known man of affairs who while there played at roulette(게임의 일종) nearly..

거래정보 2019.07.18

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading(거래의 심리학적 이해에 대한 지침)

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading(거래의 심리학적 이해에 대한 지침) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: The hardest thing about trading is not the math, the method, or the stock picking. It is dealing with the emotions that arise with trading itself along with the ego’s need ..

거래정보 2019.07.18